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  Tratto da: "La provincia di Messina e le sue perle"
Helios editore,Messina per 1996/AAPT della provincia di Messina
Testo di Enrico Pispisa
The Nebrodi, situated between the provinces of Messina, Catania and Enna are delimitated in the south by a branch of the river Simeto and the plain of the Guardiola that separates them from Erei and Mount Etna, to the west from the base of Pollina and from the saddle of Gangi from which the Madonie begin, to the east from the river of Novara Sicilia from where the Peloritani extend. Their name derives perhaps from an ancient Attica word 'Nebros' (fawn) that recalls the fundamental nature of these mountains, covered by a vast areas of woods, among which that of Caronia (another name for the Nebrodi). As far as 800 metres, but also at greater heights, there is a rich area of nut plantations that encompasses Montalbano Elicona, Tripi, Novara di Sicilia, S. Piero Patti, Raccuia, Tortorici, Ucria, S. Salvatore di Fitalia, Longi, Galati Mamertino, and that gives life to an intense economic activity, howerver today in crisis. At a greater height (as far as the peak of Monte Soro, 1846 mt.), from which we can admire an impressive panorama characterised by valleys and small lakes, trees such as beech, various oaks, pine, alder, maple and holly. Furthermore, there are grazing pastures for cattle, the breed "Rossa indigena", sheep and goats. In the territory of S. Fratello, Cesarò and Caronia one can still see in a wild state "sanfratellani" horses and the breeding of black swine, cattle and sheep contributes to the "cleansing of the soil necessary to the undergrowth. There are also rare plants, such as the abies nebrodensis and berried yew of the Bosco Tassita. This rich vegetation, unusual for Sicily, is the ideal site for an interesting fauna that favours an admirable balance of the ecosystem and has recently encouraged the Region to institute the "Parco Naturale regionale dei Nebrodi" that encompasses the territory of Capizzi, Cesarò, San Teodoro, San Fratello, Caronia, Militello Rosmarino, Alcara Ii Fusi, Longi, Galati Mamertino, S. Salvatore di Fitalia, Tortorici and Floresta. The Park administration has economic and social purposes aimed at the formation of work for the resident population and its objectives are of safeguarding the natural inheritance.
The world of the forest, found in Miraglia (where one finds, nearby Cesarò, Villa Miraglia places of shelter suitable for hunters) in Caronia, in Mistretta and in many other places, offers solemn and primeval impressions, 'Its like entering" - it's been said - "an immense gothic cathedral", where sables, porcupines, tortoise, weasels, turtle-doves, wood-peckers, sparrow-hawks, hoopoe, magpies, blackbirds and jays wander. The rich regime of water is expressed in rivers, streams, pools, small lakes and springs. Among the springs one remember those of Serra del Re and of Foresta Vecchia; among the small lakes the Urio Quattrocchi, under the Monte Castelli, the Zilio near Caronia, Pizzo della Battaglia, those artificial of Maulazzo near S. Fratello and aquatic plants that form charming green islands. Agricultural and pastoral activity has given life to an artisan production of high quality alimentary, such as cheeses provola (in Basicò and Montalbano), pecorino, ricotta (fresh and salted), bread, salted meats (the salami from Sant'Angelo di Brolo), sausage, sweets (the almond paste of S. Fratello and Castell'Urnberto) jams and dried figs. The artisans produce, amongst other things, also precious needlework.
